About the Journal
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Languages: French and English
Accessibility: Open Access
Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism X
Submit article to ijossasseditor@gmail.com
The International journal of social sciences and scientific studies (IJSSASS) is an international bi-monthly peer-review journal. IJSSASS has been at the forefront of scholarship on general education and, encouraging research and reflection on a range of disciplines in the general spectre of social sciences and sciences pertinent to Africa. Founded in 2013 under a cooperate educational consultancy firm called FETA, IJSSASS aims to serve as the forum where original research is presented and to shape the discussion of the most important and topical issues through a rigorous scholarship selection and editing process. Meeting the highest international standards, IJSSASS is published in English and French language, thus engaging in an international dialogue about education and safeguarding that its content is widely disseminated.
Coverage: Theology, Psychology, International Relations, Politics, Social Welfare, History, Public Administration, Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Information technology
Publishing Ethics
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. The journal has no tolerance for plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts must go through cross-checking using a Plagiarism Checker.
Important Dates-
Articles Submission Open for Volume-4 Issue-6 December 2024
Last Date of Article Submission: 20 December 2024
Date of Notification: 25th December 2024
Date of Publication: 30 December 2024
Current Issue

This issue explores key challenges and evolving trends in organizational development, workforce management, and social policies within various sectors in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The featured articles examine diversity and inclusion in law enforcement, organizational change in the insurance sector, workplace climate in public enterprises, work-life balance in mining companies, and the impact of remuneration policies on employee well-being. By addressing these critical topics, the issue provides valuable insights into decision-making, employee engagement, and socio-economic factors shaping labor relations in the country.