
  • Woolf Kapiteni Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo; Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Kirotshe, RD Congo
  • Chuy Kalombola Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
  • Faustin Chenge Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
  • Éric Mafuta Université de Kinshasa, RD Congo
  • Bienfait Mwarabu Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
  • Philippe Mulenga Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
  • Oscar Luboya Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo
  • Albert Mwembo Tambwe Université de Lubumbashi, RD Congo


Internal integration, health service, Congolese national police, at stake, performance, health system, North Kivu


Several African countries are confronted with the challenge of health system fragmentation creating gaps with uncoordinated activities destabilizing its functioning, performance or sustainability. This study aims to analyze the internal integration of the PNC health service system in the province of North Kivu and to propose solutions for its strengthening.

Methodology: This is a qualitative study with an exploratory aim, which surveyed the health managers of the national police and the district commanders in the province of North Kivu by reasoned choice over a period from 1 to 30 September 2022. Data were collected through document review and semi-structured interview.

Results: Our results show that the health service of the Congolese national police is fragmented in its health system, with part of its sector managed by the district commander and the other part by the provincial health service department, resulting in a very heavy administration, disarticulation and overlapping in the organization and functioning of the health service, sometimes creating a feeling of frustration and making its health system fragile.

Conclusion: The cohesion of the national police health services with a unit of orientation under a mode of aggregation, interconnection and management is a factor that can improve and strengthen the health system of the Congolese national police.




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