
  • Museme Kwalya Albert Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Shabunda/RDC
  • Kaminkya Kikobya Willy Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Shabunda/RDC
  • Riziki Idangi Monika Université Evangélique en Afrique/RDC (sage-femme 1ère Cohorte reconversion)
  • Bikibyobe Museme Alphonse Institut Supérieur de Développement rural de Shabunda/RDC
  • Byakilema Muloba Jean Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Shabunda/RDC


Knowledges, Attitudes, Practices, Family Planning, Quarter, Muhungu


Our research topic is made of knowledgs, attitude and practices of couples in Muhungu quarter. We have found many cases of overwhelming pregnancies i .e. there are cases of women who have given birth to many children and so far without any distant period from one birth to another, others are delayed or so precocious. the services miss tools for their work, and there is a lack of specialized workers in health care in terms of family planning sector.

This study is transversal, in order to contribute to the improvement of the family planning at Muhungu /Ibanda Commune, it starts on 1st January up to 22th march 2023, at least 125 couple through direct interviews, semi- structured and investigation by a questionnaire.

The research parameters are socio-demographical characteristics, the knowledge in the family planning sector, attitudes of couples toward the use of contraceptive method s, the services of family planning, the practices of couples in terms of family planning at Muhungu, the relationship between the variable(dependent and independent). The data collection and treatment is made by Sphinx 14 Software, Epi-Info 3.5.3, the analysis of the data is made by statistic test khi2, fisher exact is used for application conditions and OR (old ratio) has been estimated significant if it is superior than 1 and therefore the interval confidence at 95 % (IC

i.e. interval confidence).

The socio-demographical characteristics are estimated at 58.4 %, the informed people in family planning are estimated at 91.2 % who had it on natural methods, and the attitudes.

pratices the couples used natural methods they knew is estimated at 64.8 % and 29,6 % of couple.\ are ready to apply other additional methods for family planning. The recommendation has been formulated to health authorities, staff health nursing, and churches to improve the participation of the population in terms of family planning.



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How to Cite

Albert, M. K., Willy, K. K. ., Monika, R. I., Alphonse, B. M., & Jean, B. M. (2024). CONNAISSANCES, ATTITUDES ET PRATIQUES DES COUPLES EN MATIÈRE DE LA PLANIFICATION FAMILIALE, À MUHUNGU ZONE DE SANTÉ D’IBANDA, EST DE LA RDC. International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, 4(2), 3710 - 3727. Retrieved from

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