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We have a curated list of the most noteworthy articles from great researchers. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy articles from great researchers. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy articles from great researchers. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2024)
Do technological innovation have a role in achieving sustainable structural change in Libya; A natural...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2024)
Bakua BUESO a, Alphonse Muninga ATUNGALE b, Beni Kileke KIANGEBENI c, Samy Tana TADI c,...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2024)
Do technological innovation have a role in achieving sustainable structural change in Libya; A natural...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2024)
Do technological innovation have a role in achieving sustainable structural change in Libya; A natural...
Journal homepage: ijssass.com/index.php/ijssass
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2024)
Bakua BUESO a, Alphonse Muninga ATUNGALE b, Beni Kileke KIANGEBENI c, Samy Tana TADI c,...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
l’Insertion Professionnelle Des Jeunes Diplomes De l’Enseignement Superieur Et Universitaire
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
La Crise Financière Internationale Et Les Risques Encourus Par Les...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Dosage Des Elements Traces Metalliques (Pb, Cd, Hg) Dans Les...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Regard Analytique Des Strategies Des Deux Premieres Forces Politiques Aux...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Des Entraves Au Developpement Socio-Economique De La Province Du Kasai...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Le Principe De La Domanialisation Du Sol Et Du Sous-Sol...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Impact De La Maitrise Du Temps Et La Duree Au...
International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (2022)
Listes de contenus disponibles sur: Scholar
Reflexion Sur l’Irrevocabilite De La Nationalite d’Origine En Droit Congolais
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