Hr Marketing, Employer Brand Equity, Organizational Attractiveness, Potential CandidatesAbstract
The present research, concerning the HR Marketing field, cared about the notion of organizational attractiveness (OA) defined as the candidate intention to apply or to accept potential offers from a particular employer (Rampl & Kenning, 2014), and sought to identify the factors explaining the low attractiveness of candidates having the study level required by the law (at least six years of secondary studies). It is about attractiveness towards police officer profession.
A survey, using an electronic questionnaire, was carried out among a sample of 267 persons living in Lubumbashi city (potential candidates for the profession of police officer), at the end of which the results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between employer brand equity (EBE) and organizational attractiveness (otherwise, the negative brand image of the national congolese police is a significant determinant of the potential candidates low attractiveness). Regarding the specific dimensions of the EBE, only the factor named « Interest value » could appear as a significant determinant of organizational attractiveness. The desires of potentials candidates are therefore turned towards an organization encouraging innovation and creativity. This can be explained by the fact that most of them are young people born during a period and in a context corresponding to a lot of technological innovations.
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