Lebrun, KEMBO NSAYI, SENKER NDIMBA Bob, SIZWA Nzapagbia, NDJONDO NYAME Cirille, ELOKO EYA MATANGELO Gerard, LUFULUABO KASUYI Jean, KOLA GONZE Roger, MUTWALE KAPEPEULA Paulin, and MASANDI MILONDO Alphonse. 2024. “ANALYSE DES DEPENSES PUBLIQUES ET DES MENAGES EN SANTE EN RDCONGO, CAS DU PROGRAMME NATIONAL DES COMPTES NATIONAUX DE SANTE DE 2018 A 2022”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies 4 (4):4031 -50. https://ijssass.com/index.php/ijssass/article/view/302.